In the Beginning - 2017
This installation images what it would look like if the building grew roots. The delicate black spindles reach downward from the ceiling toward the floor on their way to root into the ground below. In doing so, they invade the space designed for human habitation, requiring anyone moving through it to either walk all the way around or to pick their careful way between the long, sculptural tendrils. The shadows appear as solid as the sculptures themselves, creating a two-dimensional image on the back wall that creates the illusion of the installation continuing through that flat architectural boundary.
Steel wire, paper pulp, pigment, sealant - 183" x 170" x 115"
Steel wire, paper pulp, pigment, sealant - 183" x 170" x 115"
Steel wire, paper pulp, pigment, sealant - 183" x 170" x 115"