Sculpture in the Glen
Site-specific installations from and outdoor sculpture exhibition in 2020 and 2021. A New Solanum imagines an as-yet-undiscovered member of the nightshade family, beautiful, poisonous when eaten, and slowly spreading over its environment. The Rise and Rise is a suspension bridge hanging just above average head height over an area that had recently flooded in a hurricane. It alludes to safe passage and elevation above an untenable landscape, but is so narrow and wobbly that the safety it could provide is questionable.
A New Solanum - Aluminum wire, paint - dimensions variable - 2020
A New Solanum - Aluminum wire, paint - dimensions variable - 2020
A New Solanum - Aluminum wire, paint - dimensions variable - 2020
The Rise and Rise - rope, fabric, house paint, string, steel - 17" x 8" x 400" - 2021
The Rise and Rise - rope, fabric, house paint, string, steel - 17" x 8" x 400" - 2021
The Rise and Rise - rope, fabric, house paint, string, steel - 17" x 8" x 400" - 2021